What Can I do?
You have given everything to me What can I do for you ?
Bob Dylan

Read Matthew 25:35-40
You may never preach the Gospel in front of thousands of people, you may never publish your own book about an aspect of Christianity, you may never go to the far flung corners of the world on a mission trip, bit you do have a part to play in God’s plan.
The great thing about the Church, is that every believer plays a part. No matter how small or big, we all have our specific niches and roles to play.
Maybe you look around and see others doing great works for Christ and think:
“Man, they’re going to be getting a good reward in Heaven, I wish I could be doing that!”
But God has placed you exactly where He wants you, you have a job to do, and it is your responsibility to do that job to the best of your ability, while finding your resource and strength to do that job in the Holy Spirit.
God is not always looking for everybody to be doing great public works, the passage we read talks about looking after the needy, or even simply visiting people. God’s calling for your life may involve nothing more than visiting older Christian’s who need encouragement, but that role is no less important than preaching to millions of people.
In the book of Acts, Peter was given the responsibility to preach to over 3000 people at one time, while Phillip was asked to preach to one man. Who was given the most important job? In our eyes, we would probably say Peter, but in God’s eyes (the only ones that really matter at the end of the day!) they were both doing an equal job in announcing the gospel and helping to set up and secure the early Church.
The key verse that sums all this up, is found in Matthew 10:42. Even something as small a giving a cup of cold water to a thirsty soul will not be forgotten in the God’s great ledger book, where he keeps a record of everything we have done.
Most importantly, whatever you do, needs to be done in His name. Many people have tried to do great things for God, without actually asking God if He wants them done! Prayerfully get God’s blessing before undertaking any activity for Him.
Start off small, do it well and God may bless you with bigger and bigger responsibilities to undertake while you live for Him down here.