Cause to Worship

God, you are from eternity to eternity.
You are above everything.
You are beyond everything.
There are no words to describe you.
Holy, Righteous, Loving, Sin-hating, Awesome in Power, Light, Life, Incomparable, All-Knowing, All-Caring, All in All.
By your very words, this universe came into existence.
Millions upon millions of stars, planets and galaxies.
You made life. The billions of atoms, cells and chemicals that are vital to life.
You made the animals, the plants, waters, the rocks.
You made us. Our different characteristics, our personalities.
You made a perfect place for us to live. You gave us your garden.
You wanted us to respond to you, to worship you, for giving us this beautiful place.
But we messed up, we disobeyed your one instructions.
Sin came in.
But God, this was all part of your plan. You didn’t just want to be worshipped as a creator. You wanted us to respond in a much greater way.
So even though you live in an eternal sphere, you came into time and sent Your Son, Jesus to the very earth you had spent time creating.
What an unbelievable thought! That you God, would come into time. But not just that! Come in the likeness of sinful flesh. Come in the likeness of the very thing you hated. But sin apart! Came among the people you had created. Came among the people that you gave life to. Their breath was in your hand.
And Jesus, you excelled down here. Everything your Father asked you to do, you did in absolute perfection. How could you do anything else? You are the very definition of perfect. You are God.
You spoke in remarkable wisdom, you spoke in wonderful grace, you unfolded the scripture. You showed forth God in every way. You revealed God in all His beauty, power, love and righteousness.
But despite this, we rejected you, we decided we didn’t want God. And so You allowed your Son to go to the cross. To die in the most painful and atrocious way we have ever devised. And as the nails pierced through His skin and pain seared through His body, he cried out, “Forgive”.
But that was not the worst part. Three hours O God, You turned your back, and hid your face from your Son. You had never done this before. But when Jesus was made sin, your righteousness required that your turn your face from Him. You poured out everything you had ever had against sin upon your Son. He bore all sin, He became Sin. Why God? We will never know, but we can only point to your love.
God, you came into the world that you created, and then we rejected the Person of the Son, Jesus. You did this so that you could draw our a greater response from those you had redeemed. You deserve more praise now after such a great sacrifice. You are no longer just a creator God, but a Saviour God. If it possible, you are more loving, more awesome and more amazing than before.
You are God, you have been, you always will be. But now you are our God, You are my God, I belong to you. Through Christ we can stand before you as clean. Stand before you as pure. Stand before you as Christ. You look on us as you look on Christ.
What a God you are.
Eternity will not be long enough to sing your praises and thank you for saving us and bringing us into the amazing blessing you have prepared for us from before time. God we worship you. God we praise you. Amen.