Bible Numbers
Pretty much everything in the Bible has a deeper meaning, this includes all those numbers that you kind of glossed over on your first read through. Look them up for yourself and you'll see that each time, each number is mentioned its in regards to a specific theme.
Have a look for yourself and see what other number patterns you can find
Comparison and contrast. A few examples among the many are two goats (Lev. 16: 7); two opinions (1 Kings 18: 21); two vessels (Jer. 18: 4); two masters (Matt. 6: 24); two foundations (Matt. 7: 24–27); two covenants (Gal. 4: 24); two sons (Luke 15: 11); two men (Luke 18: 10).
This would speak of a period of testing. The Lord was tempted for 40 days. Noah was in the Ark for 40 days and nights. And of course the Children of Israel wandered around for 40 years.
The number 12 would have the idea of administration. The Lord chose twelve diciples, there were 12 tribes. In Rev. 21: 10, the holy city, Jerusalem, is marked by the number twelve: there are twelve gates, twelve pearls, twelve angels, twelve names, twelve foundations and in them the names of the twelve apostles.
There is no other number that occurs so often in the Scriptures as the number seven. Seven denotes what is spiritually complete. Indeed, the Hebrew word used for seven has a root meaning of “full” or “satisfied”. Abraham’s complete blessing was seven times (Gen. 12: 2, 3) and the Lord gave seven things that spiritually defile a man (Matt. 15: 19). Rom. 12: 6–8 lists seven spiritual gifts and Eph. 4: 4–6 gives seven spiritual fruits.
Four is the universal number of the world and man in it- In Daniel’s dream of the four beasts (Dan. 7) representing the four great world–powers
One denotes unity, not only in the Godhead but in creation as well
The number of divine perfection. While the number one expresses God’s uniqueness and independence (There is one God––see Mal. 2: 10) and the unity of the Godhead (God is one––see Gal. 3: 20 and 1 Tim. 2: 5), the number three gives His fulness––His complete manifestation as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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