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Phil 4:6

 Luke 6:12

Rom 8:26

Jas 4:2

Eph 3:20

Jam 5:16

That should keep you busy!


Should we ever stop praying about something?

Yes- 2 Cor. 12:9

No-  Luke 18:1



Can things get in the way of our prayers?


Look up

Is. 59:2

Ps 66:18

1 Jn 5:14


When we are not in the enjoyment of God, we loose his will, and we start praying for own own selfish needs. We need to make sure our relationship with God is right, before we can pray according to His will. How do we make sure our relationship is good? Pray more often! It's a circle! 


God will always listen to the genuine prayers of His people-He may not answer them in a way you think He should, but He is listening! 


There is of course one prayer that God will always answer: The sinner's prayer, when you pray to Him initially, asking for forgiveness for your sins. He cannot turn a deaf ear to this!


Prayer is not a one way road...


God Answers:

  • In practical circumstances

  • Through his word

God is still in the business of working His way down here. Prayer can really have an effect on your life. Next time you are in a tricky spot, offer an emergancy prayer up to God, and see what happens. He will listen and He will answer. Just maybe not in the way you think!

While we must never forget we are talking to a holy God. We mustn't let tradition get in the way of our personal link with Him. So while using thee and thou may sound more reverent. God is more interested in your heart as before Him. It is no use talking the talk if your heart is away from God.

Why pray about your worries, if you are going to worry about them after praying? There is a expression that says 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. With God a problem shared is a problem solved. You may still have to face your worries, but you will be given the assurance that God is in total control and has your best interests at heart!

Don't just rattle off all your needs to God. It is supposed to be a conversation, not one way traffic! Wait for God to respond. Read His word, the Bible. Sometimes God whispers in a still small voice, and in the hustle and bustle of daily life, the voice gets drowned out. Make some time to sit in stillness and wait upon the Lord.

If you spoke to some person everyday, but said exactly the same thing each time, I'm pretty sure that person would eventually ignore you and the relationship between you would break down. Now I'm not saying God ignores our prayers, but come on, try and have a little bit of variety in your prayer life. Its not like there is a shortage of things to pray for! Widen out your circles, don't just pray for the people you know well, but think about all those you come into contact with. 

Prayer Memes

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