There was once a man with two sons
The younger son asked if he could have his share of the inheritance now, instead of waiting until his dad had kicked the bucket.
The father went about dividing up all his property to give a share to his younger son.
The younger son went as far away as possible from his home to start his new life.
He spent his money on whatever he wanted. He was living the good life.
He soon had plenty of friends and went out every night partying and drinking.
Eventually, the money ran out! His 'friends' went away, and to make matters worse, there was huge famine in the land.
In order to survive, the younger son took a job feeding pigs (not allowed under Jewish law!) He was so hungry he would have eaten the pig food.
Suddenly, it hit him like a train! Back home, his fathers servants were better off than him, why not go home and get a job as a servant in his father's house.
He started the journey home, practising what he would say:
"I'm sorry for what I did, please can I have a job as one of your servants?"
Ever since the son had left, the father had been watching for his return. As soon as he was his son, he ran out to meet him.
The son began his speech
"I have sinned against Heaven and before you..."
But the father interrupted him. He covered him with kisses, gave him a robe, sandals and ring!
The father threw a huge party! They killed the fatted calf. What a celebration! The younger son was home, he was lost and had been found, was dead and was now alive. If that isn't reason for celebration, what is?!
But one person was not happy. The older son. "How come he gets a party?" He complained "He's disgraced your name!"
The father pleaded for the older son to come and join in the party. But he would not go in.
He stalked off, and in doing so, missed out on the wonderful blessings that are inside the father's house.
So what does it all mean?
Well, each person and place in this story would represent something.
The Father represents God
The younger son is me and you- sinners gone astray.
The older son is the Jew (or more specifically the Jews who rejected Jesus)
The House is heaven
The Far Country is the world
So the younger son decided that he wants to go as far away as possible from the father. This is a picture of us, before we are saved we don't want anything to do with God. We want to go in the opposite direction.
Of course we eventually get stuck. The Holy Spirit begins his work and we come to our senses. We realise that there must be more to life that an existence feeding pigs. We turn and go towards God in repentance, but before we get to far, we find God has been looking out all along. We take one step in His direction and He runs to meet us.
Now this amazing. We don't just get saved, but God gives us so many blessings. Lets list them here:
We come in as sons, not as servants (the lowest job in the house)
We are given the freedom or liberty of His house (represented in the Father giving the son some sandals)
We are clothed in the worth of Christ- God views us in the same way he views Jesus (represented in the Father giving the son a coat)
We belong to God (represented in the Father giving the son a ring)
There is a party in Heaven when we get saved!
Now the older son. What a sad case. He didn't go to a distant land, but he did not know the Father's heart. The Pharisees thought they were following God's rules, when really they were far away. They could not stand it that God was not only willing to bless the Jewish people, but Gentiles as well! They rejected their Messiah and in doing so missed out on the blessings.
Which son are you? The door to God's house is open today.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
The Story of the prodigal Son
"Do I want to invest in a water-proof teabag company? Sure why not"
"Don't you dare touch my food!"
Which everyone thought was great-
except for the fatted calf