New Man or Old Man
When we become a Christian we become a new creation, but what about our old self, does it still have a place before God? Do we need to become a new creation to please God? Aren't we good enough as we are?
When Adam sinned in the garden, God had to set him aside. He could no longer find His satisfaction in a creature that had sinned. Why? Because God is holy, and any sin is a total offence to Him. So God had to remove Adam from the garden that He had made.
Now the full effect of this sin is still being felt today. Ever since Adam sinned, by disobeying God, the world has slowly got worse and worse. Look in the newspapers, on the TV or internet to check for yourself (just in case you needed to)!
Now God, still finds men's heart the same as with Adam. Sometimes it tries to be good. Think back to the 10 commandments. The children of Israel said "Yeah sure we'll do all those, we'll keep each one thats cool" (Obviously paraphrasing!)
But all the ten commandments did, was bring out man's inability to keep any of God's laws. It showed just how far short of perfection we are, and also how perfect and holy God is!
You see, we can't keep the law; if we are to get blessing it must be through another man, not us.
Go back to Genesis. From the fall onwards, every blessing that is given, is given in light of another new man coming. Who is this coming man?
Why, of course it is the Lord Jesus Himself. Read through the Gospels (no really, you should) you'll find there that the Lord was everything man was supposed to be!
Look up:
Luke 3:21
Finally, a man on Earth, who the Heavens could open up to! God could declare finally he found someone who had fully satisfied Him.
So every blessing we have in God, is through this man, the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is no way for us to touch anything of God while we are still in our sinful state! There must be
new birth! God cannot use the old material. There is nothing for God in your sinful state. (Rom 7:18)
God has not ignored sin. As we said it is an affront to Him and it must be dealt with. But sin has received its full condemnation at the cross. It was removed judicially (that means removed as if it was dealt with in court: firmly, fairly and finally) from his sight!
Look up:
2 Corinthians 5:21
It was dealt with by Jesus on the cross. The cross shows how God can provide for His own glory and righteousness as well as taking into account your sin. Justice demands that sin be punished, but it has all fallen on the Lord. When Christ hung on that cross, God saw you there. When the Lord was buried, you disappeared from God's sight forever.
Now when you are saved, you cannot go back into the garden of Eden, as it were. We can never stand before God again innocence (as Adam and Eve did-not knowing what sin was). We either stand as sinners, or perfect in Christ. You cannot come before God trying to get His blessing leaning on your supposed good life you lead.
You cannot improve what is utterly corrupt, don't try and work your way into God's favour. Accept Christ as your Saviour. God doesn't look for good in you old self, why should He, when you can stand perfect before Him as in Christ?
There has only ever been one man good enough for God
There has only been one man that will do for God
Which man will do for you?