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 Verses that People Don't like Anymore.


There are many verse in the Bible that don't seem to fit in with today's culture and society. Perhaps we should just forget these verse exist? No! God's word never changes, what God wrote 2000 years ago still has an application today. After all, don't you think an All-Knowing God would have been able to look down the passage of time to our day, to see what was needed?


Genesis 1:1

The First verse in the Bible is arguably the most contentious in todays atheist culture. Some Christians even will ignore or muddle away this verse. But if you can't believe the first verse of Scripture, why should you believe the rest? Is it such a big leap of faith to believe that God created the world? After all he's done some much more in the giving of His Son, why is this more difficult to believe? 


1 Corinthians 14:34

Ah yes, what a tricky verse to explain away. This verse isn't saying that women shouldn't speak because they've got nothing important to say, or because they are not as good speakers as men. But it is respect to the way that God has designed the Church to run. Men and women are given different roles, and one is not more important than the other. Still this verse is often ignored or edited in many Christian circles today.


1 Corinthians 6:9

Corinthians again, I wonder if when Paul wrote this epistle he realised how much it was going to attacked!? This verse talks about how those who practice homosexuality cannot enter in the Kingdom of God. Despite todays modern slant on this verse. God's word stands the test of time, He still says now then what He told Paul to write then. It's important though not to specifically target homosexuals- in fact Paul lists a whole loads of characters that cannot enter into God's Kingdom, 'sexually immoral... idolaters,...adulterers', with none being worse than any others. Homosexuality is just one sin among many that God cannot abide.  


1 Thessalonians 4:17

This verse about the Rapture, is often attacked, not just by unbelievers who think the idea of millions of people suddenly disappearing is ridiculous (which to the natural mind- it is!) but also sadly, by Christians themselves. Despite ideas that the rapture is a 'new idea' the Apostle Paul spoke in some detail about it in the New Testament. The Rapture is the great hope of a believer and a foundational truth of being a Christian. 




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