No, not the boat, but the other one. The golden box that Indiana tired to find. The Ark of the Covenant speaks in many ways about the Lord Jesus Himself. Click here to find out more.
Unlike many creatures, we see in colour. God has also made the world a colourful place, and Scripture is full with references to colour. What then are we, as believers, supposed to learn from this?
You can't pick n' mix the Bible, its on a take it leave it basis. That means if you are a Christian you've got to embrace these verse too!
Like colours, there seems to be a lot of random numbers in the Bible. But what do they MEAN? Find out here.
I'm going to let this picture do the talking. Find more verses like this, by clicking here.

Little chunks of Bible knowledge.
Eat up!
More coming soon...
The Bible, especially Romans, talks about us becoming a 'new man' but what does it all mean? Find out here
This is our interpretation of how things will pan out in the coming day. Remember, Scripture is the ultimate test of things.
The birth, life and death of the Lord Jesus weren't just random happenings. They were foreknown before the foundation of the world, and written down for us thosuands of years before the actual events happened. Find out more here.
The hymn can say it better than I can!
Even smaller bites of the Bible
The hymn can say it better than I can!
Okay, here we go the most difficult subject of them all.
Fighting the good fight, even when we can't stand by ourselves.
The hymn can say it better than I can!
Two men in Scripture who we can identfy ourselves with!
Making sure you are the real McCoy
A lesson in a little grace
Still a better love story than Twilight!
The danger of procrastination
What a God we serve!
What people thought about the Lord.
How important prayer is to a Christian
Being ready to build for God