The Offerings
Right bear with us, this could get heavy!
The Burnt Offering
The Lord first thought was always towards God- Hebrews 10:7 - So this is written first because God must come first.
The priest laid hands on the offering. This symbolised transferring the worth of the offering to the offerer. If God accept the sacrifice- He will also accept the one that offered it. If we come with Christ, because God has accepted Christ we can come in also.
It allows us as sinners by nature to be accepted by standing as before God in the worth of Christ and His sacrifice.
It was skinned- this showed the Lord was perfect inside and out.
It was burnt and a sweet smell went up- the burning speaks of God's judgement- at the cross, the judgment fell on Christ. What came out at the cross? Northing but perfection on the Lord's part- this was the sweet smell.
This sacrifice was totally for God- there are some things about the death of Christ we will never comprehend.
The Lord being a sacrifice suitable to satisfy God and His righteousness (to allow to Him to show love towards us)
Leviticus 1
The Meal Offering
God's pleasure in the life of Christ
Leviticus 2
A Celebration of our peace with God
Leviticus 3
The Peace Offering
The death of Christ dealing with our sin
Leviticus 4
The Sin Offering
Oil was used- this would speak of the Holy Spirit
It was baked- this would speak of the Lord being tested and overcoming all those tests with flying colours
This was based on the burnt offering- our peace is based on Christ's sacrifice
It was female- this shows the subjective side of Christ
The offerer came as a sinner, having guilt about his sins. He laid hands on the offering, the offerer transfered his guilt and sin upon the offering.
The relationship between the people and God was established on the Great Day of Atonement, this offering restored that relationship for the individual.
There was no sweet smell from this offering- God had to turn his face away when Christ became sin for us.