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deliverance or preservation from danger.
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Eph 5:25

Jesus said “Father, save me from this hour” (John 12: 27)
Peter cried out to be saved when he was in danger of drowning.
God preserved (or saved) Noah from the flood (see 2 Pet. 2: 5)
We are “saved by grace” (Eph. 5: 25) – that refers to the salvation of the soul- initial salvation-getting right with God.
BUT we also need salvation (or preservation) every day from the world.
Israel were saved from the judgement of the destroying angel by the blood on the door-posts and lintel, but they were saved from Egypt by the waters of the Red Sea. So, we are to work out our own salvation (See Phil. 2: 12).
The final thought of salvation is that we are taken to see our Lord Jesus face to face!
(see Rom. 8: 23, 24; 13: 11; Heb. 9: 28).
We HAVE been saved from the PENALTY of sin
We ARE BEING saved from the POWER of sin
We WILL BE saved from the PRESENCE of sin
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