God in Eternity
The Flood
Fall of Man
Isaiah 43:13
Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:11, Hebrews 1:1
Genesis 3, Romans 5:12
Genesis 7, 2 Peter 3:6
The Call of Abraham
Genesis 12, Acts 7:3
The Exodus
Exodus 12, Acts 7:36
Entrance into the Land
roughly 40 years
The Captivity
2 Kings 25:21, 2 Chronicles 36:9-10
Rebuilding the Temple
Ezra 3:10, 6:15
roughly 70 years
Birth of Christ
The Cross
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Holy Spirit Given
Acts 2:1-4, Joel 2:28
The Church Age
Revelation 2-3
The Rapture
Thessalonians 4:16-17
Great Tribulation
Matthew 24
Satan cast out of Heaven (half way through the tribulation)
Revelation 12
The Appearing of Jesus
Matthew 24:30, Luke 21:27
Satan bound/ Millenium
Micha 5, Isaiah 11
Satan loosed/final rebellion
Revelation 20:7
7 years
Final Judgement
Revelation 20:11-15, 21:8
New Heaven and Earth
Revelation 21, 2 Peter 3:13, 1 Corinthians 15:28
Isaiah 25:8
Isaiah 43:13
God in Eternity
Our interpretation of God's Timetable.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.