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2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 5:18
The believer being accounted righteous. We are viewed by God as completely righteous, not just clean of our sins, but more, in Christ.
JUST-AS-IF-I-NEVER-SINNED? - hmm not quite...
In the death of Christ, there has been a complete removal and judgment of sins (just as if you had never sinned), but it is more than having sins removed, more than going back to Eden (where God viewed his creature in innocence), we are viewed in a positive light by God!
We are viewed by God as completely righteous!
When you are forgiven for something,it means… …you’ve done something wrong and have been pardoned.
When we are forgiven by God, our sins are completely removed!
We are put into a place where God can look on us, not just as forgiven sinners, but righteous persons. Basically, when God looks at us, He sees his Son. Everything His Son is for Him, we now are.
‘Jesus is Righteous. Everything that Jesus is, is attributed to us. God looks on us as He looks upon Jesus.’
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