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40 Years

Once upon a time in Eygpt, there lived Pharaoh. In Eygpt there were thousands of Israelite slaves. These had arrived during Joseph's time. 

There were SO many that Pharaoh got worried in case the slaves got any big ideas and staged a rebellion. in he decided that any new babies should be killed to keep the numbers steady.

The two head midwives, in charge of looking after the Israelite births didn't listen though. 

One day, a baby called Moses was born. His parents knew he was something really special.

Instead of killing him, they hatched a cunning plan...

They placed him in a basket, and

hid him in the River Nile.

He was found, by non other than Pharaoh's daughter, who took Moses back to live in the palace. He grew up as her son

Moses lived the life of luxary. But he noticed his people were still living in slavery. What could he do about it?

One day, Moses noticed a Eygptian beating an Israelite slave harshly. He got so cross, that he killed the Eygptian and hid his body in the sand.

Because of this, Moses had to run away. He became a shepherd in the wilderness just outside of Eygpt.  

One day, while out sheeping, Moses saw a burning bush. It was odd because the bush wasn't being consumed. He went to get a closer look.  

The voice of God came from the fire.

God told Moses to go back to Eygpt to free His people. 

After a bit more discussion, Moses went back. Of course Pharaoh didn't want to loose his valuable slaves. He told Moses to go away.

Moses warned Pharaoh, but he did not listen. So God sent nine plagues to smite the Egyptians.

So what does it all mean? 


Well, each person and place in this story would represent something.


Egypt: this represents the world. Whereas most other countries were dependent upon God sending rain to water the crops, the Egyptians were dependent on the River Nile for survival. This would speak about a world that is independent of God. It was also a place where people were in slavery. Before we are saved, we are slaves to this world, and slaves to the prince of the world that is the Devil.


And the Devil is represented in this story by Pharaoh. A man who did not want to let anybody out his clutches. He fought very hard to keep the people in his land. The Devil tries hard to keep his people from hearing about the message of salvation through Jesus.


Moses would represent Jesus. Obviously this not a perfect picture as Moses was still a sinner, whereas Jesus was perfect. But just as Moses went into Egypt to free his people, so Jesus came into this world to free us!


The Red Sea would represent Christ's death for us. When we believed that Jesus died for us, we are taken out of the bondage of sin and set free. When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they ended up in the Wilderness. It is the same for a Christian when they get saved. Before, the world looked like a wonderful place, with lots of sinful pleasures to take part in (Egypt). But when we get saved, the world should loose its attraction and become a desolate waste (The Wilderness) compared with the great hope that we have before us (the Promised Land)


It was impossible to the Children of Israel to go back into Egypt. They could not go back over the Red Sea. When we are saved we cannot ever go back to not being saved! We might sometimes think back longingly to what we could do before we were saved. We may backslide, but we can't get unsaved! 



Pharaoh did not listen. Eventually God sent his destroying angel to kill all the firstborn. The Israelites were saved because they put the blood of a lamb around their doors.

Pharaoh let the people go. Moses led them out to the Red Sea. God split the waters so the Israelites could get through. They were free!

After getting through the Red Sea, the Children of Israel headed onwards towards the Promised Land. A place where God had said they would be able to live peacfully. A place to call home.

The Story of Moses 

Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1?

"I'm a bit lost, can you

direct me to Egypt?"


To see this story in greater detail, please look at our Incredible Journey pages

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