Scripture Fulfilled

He stood up, a very normal looking man. The synagogue quitened down as he was given the scroll. He looked down at the passage, and began to read. His words echoed off the stone walls of the building.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
He finished reading, slowly rolled the scroll up and handed it back to the attendent. Every eye in the room was fixed upon this Him. There was a stunned silence. He slowly sat down, closed His eyes for a moment and then began to speak in a quiet and yet authoritative voice.
"Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
It was not just this scripture that the Lord fulfilled while down here on this Earth, there were many others that proved that He was altogether that which He said He was, and also that God had everything under His control. Take a look at these other prophesies that Jesus fulfilled!
Virgin Birth
Holy Spirit
Healing Sick
Isaiah 53:12
Isaiah 53:3
Psalm 35:19
Psalm 88:8
Psalm 41:9
Psalm 78:2
Isaiah 61:1
Isaiah 1:1
Isaiah 61:1
Hosea 11:1
Micah 5:2
Isaiah 7:14
Luke 22:37
John 1:11
John 15:25
Mark 14:50
John 13:18
Matthew 13:34
John 5:1
Matthew 4:15
Matthew 3:16
Matthew 2:15
Luke 2:4
Matthew 1:24
Matthew 27:48
Psalm 22:18
Clothes Parted
John 18:36
Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 34:20
Bones Unbroken
Matthew 27:57
Isaiah 53:9
Rich Tomb
Luke 24:46
Hosea 6:2
Rising again
There are many other passages that prophesy about the Lord's soon return. So, if He has fulfilled all these prophesies about His first coming without exception, why should we doubt He will fulfill the rest of the ones to come?