Gambling with Eternity
"Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance"
Queen - The Show Must Go On Lyrics
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2 Timothy 2:12

This can pretty much sum up an unfortunately large part of the world population. Totally indifference to the claims of God on their lives.
“Ah well” they say "you can’t be sure there’s a God."
Why not live your life and chance it at the end. In fact not many years ago there was an advertising campagn that had posters up on many of the Buses in London which ran the tag line “There’s probably no God, now get on a live your life”
Sadly more and more people are taking this approach to how they live their lives. Leaving it to chance will unfortunately have very dire consequences, as we all have to deal with a God who leaves nothing to chance but has set a date were he will judge the world. God never leaves anything to chance, there will be no stone left unturned when he comes to finally and fully judge sin.
Putting your trust in the roll of dice might be ok if you’re playing a game of Monopoly, but gambling with you eternal salvation is a very dangerous thing to do indeed. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross,while he was dying, giving his life so that any could have life through him, the soldiers gambled to get his cloak. Don’t play games with God while behind you the hands of the Saviour wait outstretched to bless. It’s a gamble that cannot and will not pay off. The odds are infinitely against you. Its like flipping a coin were both sides are tails. And you’ve chosen heads.