Still Looking
I have scaled these city walls, These city walls, Only to be with you. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for.
U2- Still Haven't Found what I'm Looking For

It’s often been well reported, that when men get to the top of the game or profession, all they find is a sense of anti-climatic emptiness. A famous tennis player once said,“I wish that someone would have told me that when you reach the top, there's nothing there.” Even though you may have reached the absolute pinnacle of your career, your soul will still be longing for something more.
Or, maybe you’ve tried everything to get rid of something in your life. You’ve tried hiding it, you’ve tried counselling, maybe you’ve even tried religion to give you peace about whatever it is in your life that is troubling you.
Maybe you have a pervading sense of guilt about all the wrong you’ve done in your life and are trying to get rid of this by doing anything you can. There’s a story of a man named Martin Luther, who had the same problem. He was racked with an awful sense of guilt and sinfulness. He tried doing good works: he became a monk and dedicated his entire life to the Catholic Church. Yet, he still could not find this peace he was looking for. Eventually God spoke to him and he discovered that peace could only be found in the Person of Christ. Martin Luther had found what he was looking for and so can you.
It doesn’t matter what problem you are facing in your life, you can find your answer in Christ. The pleasures of this world will only satisfy you for a moment, they can do nothing for the peacefulness of your soul and your yearning to find something more.
But Christ can. He has come to seek and to save those that are lost. Those that are searching for an answers, those who are so stuck in their lives that they’ve tried everything to get out. That’s who Jesus came for, and he’s done everything, so that you can, finally, find what you’re looking for!