A Real Satisfaction
"I can't get no satisfaction 'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try"
Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

Look up:
Luke 15:16
John 4:15
This could pretty much be the anthem of the world. A world that looks for happiness, and fulfilment, but can never find it. There are countless recounts of men and women who tried to reach the top, in sport or in in business but found that there was nothing there for them when they got there.
The most often used question in the world is “what next?” You’ve reached the top, you’ve got everything, “what next?” there is always something else to b chasing after. It’s a clever ploy of the devil, if he can you chasing after your own tale, thoughts of God tend to go straight out the stained glass window.
But God offers full, free, and compelte satisfaction (sorry couldn’t think of another word beginning with f there- post a comment in the box below!)
Jesus can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. Not money, not cars, not houses, but satisfaction.
Finding Jesus means you stop looking.
Everything has been found in Him! Jesus offers you peace, joy and satisfaction if you trust in him.
Its important however to recognise that just because you accept Jesus as your saviour that suddenly you have everything you want. Its not like winning the lottery. What you do get though, is everything you ever need. Your ‘wants’ come as God is pleased to give them.
This song was sung by Rolling Stones, but the really important rolling stone is the one that rolled away when the Lord Jesus rose from the grave.
It proved God was satisfied with His sacrifice, and because of that we can find our full satisfaction in Him.