Are you sure?

Now I'm on the outside, oh oh
I'll show you what it feels like
Calvin Harris - Outside
When you are part of Church, you kind of assume that Jesus, is the main focus of that gathering of people.
But should we assume that, just because we claim to be Christians gathering together, that Jesus is in our midst?
I expect the Church here in Laodicea thought that they had Christ as the centre piece of their gathering. But in actuality He wasn’t even inside, let along the centre of their focus. Is that the same with us? Do we carry on with our service and worship assuming that the Lord is with us, when in actuality he is outside?
It is important never to assume we have the Lord presence with us when we worship. We should expect it, but never assume that we have it.
The Lord can only come in when there is freedom and liberty with His people, when they are actively looking for him and making room for Him in their worship.
Too often we fill our worship with so much superfluous stuff that there is no room for Christ. Now that doesn’t mean just because you may not have a massive band at the front, with flashing lights and whatever else, that your worship has Christ at the centre of it. We can just as easily fill our worship with tradition and formality, so that there is no room for Christ in this situation either.
We need to make sure that we are following Christ’s lead when we worship, after all He is the one who sings the perfect song to God, we should, through the Spirit, follow His leading and direction. But before that, we must let Him in! Make room in our worship for the Lord. Get rid of everything that is of us, any tradition, formality and just rely solely on the Spirit. Christ would love to come into our worship, He desires that He is worshipped and He loves to bring our worship before God, but we must let Him in!
On a more personal level, this verse can be applied as well. Maybe yes, you’re a Christian. Great! But have you really let the Lord in? Have you let him lead your life? Have you surrendered you life totally to Him? Or are you living a double life, shutting Christ out when it suits and opening the door on a Sunday morning? Maybe you are doing something in your life you know is wrong, and you think that God can have most of your life, but you want to keep that little part of your old sinful self.
Let Jesus in your life, He will fill it up and make every other part of your life seem very insignificant.
There is a saying that nothing is a substitute for God, but God can be a substitute for everything. Man cannot copy what is of God, nothing you can fill your life up with can ever fill that hole in your life. But if you let God in, He will fill you up so much with His love and grace that you don’t feel the need to go looking for the things you did before.
Jesus is knocking. Is he knocking on your church door? Is he knocking on your life’s door? Or most solemnly is he still knocking on your hearts door, waiting to come in as a Saviour?
Look up:
Revelation 3:20