
Nicodemus started his adventure with the Lord Jesus when he came to Him by night. Why did he come to him under the cover of darkness? Because he was worried about what his colleagues at the Jewish synagogue would say if they found out he was talking to this, what they believed to be, blasphemous heretic. It would not be seen as right for the Jewish leader to be talking with the Lord. Is this the same with us? Are we worried about our association with the Lord? Are we worried people might see us with Him? Obviously He is not literally here today; but are we worried that our school friends will see us on a Sunday morning carrying our Bibles? Are we worried what people will say if we put a fish symbol or a text in our car or house? Is Jesus more of a Sunday added extra, rather than a fundamental and integral part of our lives? Nicodemus came under the cover of darkness so that no one would see if spoke with Jesus, are we going quietly about our lives, hoping that nobody will spot that we too have a link with the Saviour?
The story doesn’t end there though. Because as a Christian, you cannot go along forever, blending in with the world. You will one day get called out. There will come a day when you are forced to take a stand for the Lord Jesus. Nicodemus did here. It’s certainly remarkable that he took a stand with Christ, when the Lord was dead on a cross! Naturally speaking, there was no hope for followers the of the Lord, even most of the 12 disciples had given up, now the Lord was on the cross. But Nicodemus took this moment to identify himself with Christ. His actions spoke up for themselves. There is an old saying, that goes:
Always preach the gospel, and sometimes use words.
What that means is that our lives should always be presenting Jesus, our actions should be telling others about our wonderful Saviour. That’s what happened here, Nicodemus asked for the body of the Lord. Gone were the days of hiding in the shadows, here he comes out into the light as a follower of Christ. And it would have cost him. As soon as this happened, when the Jewish council found out about it he would have certainly lost his high position in the synagogue. Following Christ will cost you as well. In some countries it will cost you your life. Thank God that in this country in may only cost you a few ‘friends’ or a your position in the world.
So, Nicodemus went from a man skulking in the shadows, afraid to say he belonged to Christ, to a man bravely going against everything he had ever learnt, to stand with Christ and identify himself with Jesus despite every natural instinct telling him it was stupid to do so. Nicodemus will have his reward, and so will you if you stand with Christ, while He is not literally here, and while He, like then, he is in rejection by the world around.