"And we can have forever"
Who Wants to Live Forever- Queen

Its often been said that when we become Christians, eternity begins now. Well what does this mean? We're not actually in Heaven now! (Clearly, I'm still married!) But we can touch, in the power of the Holy Spirit, a small part of eternity now. This is especially evident when we worship. After all, eternity will be spent worshipping God, so doing it now down here, gives us a small glimpse of what it will be like praising and worshiping God in all His majesty.
Its been said as well, that when we take part in the Lord's supper, that is done in the Wilderness. What do we mean by this? Well basically, the Supper involves bearing the reproach of the Lord while he is rejection here. We are publicly displaying our alliengence to him while the world goes on in indifference or even opposition towards him. However, after the breaking of bread when we go onto worship, we enter into things that are the other side of death. There is nothing brought in of ourselves, but we are totally focused on worship.