The Greatest Trick
"You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually"
Guns 'N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle

There’s not getting away from it. We live in the world. Like or not it surrounds us at every corner.
Now as a Christian, you’ve got three chooices. First become a monk (or a nun). Live in lovely monastery, shut yourself out from the world and forget that it even exists. Secondly, judge the world, see it for what it really is, understand that behind all the pleasures and lights lies a universe undone by sin. This of course is easier said than done, but it should be something that we should be prayerfully striving towards. And the third option as a Christian, is unfortunately one that many Chrstians are taking, and that is, almost forgetting who you belong to and going in for all the things the world has to offer.
Now not everything in world is instrincily bad. There are many things that as a Christian you can enjoy: bird watching, knitting, and poetry reading to name a few (playing computer games, watching movies, playing sports and going out with friends maybe would be more relevant pastimes today!) But there are some things, that as A Christian we should recoil away from. Unfortunatly today, even some unconverted will recoil away from things that some Christians seem to go in for!
The trouble is, the more you go in for something you know is wrong, the less your conscience will put up a fight about it. It essentially becomes numb and your sense of right and wrong gets warped. As the lyric above says “If you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually” if you go in and surround yourself with things you know are wrong, your defences will slowly diminish. The devil is very clever, he won’t present you with the hard stuff straight away; he’ll get in slowly, a little bit here and there. And the more you go in for it, the lower your defences get and the deeper down the rabbit hole you will go. “You'll take it eventually” Seems like it’s a forgone conclusion doesn’t it? But there is hope. You can’t climb out the hole yourself, you need help.
That help comes in the form of Jesus, the one who said come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Stop running down the rabbit hole pursuing something you can never catch. But turn to Jesus.
Look up: Proverbs 27:20