
Ok, ok. Guilty. I have a soft spot for The Beatles, I can’t help it. Now we’ve got that out the way. This song. Often called the Atheist’s Anthem due to its Godless lyrics, this song penned by Lennon after the Beatles split up is one of the most well-known melody’s in the world.
They lyrics though sum up pretty much what the world thinks about God.
“If you don’t believe something doesn’t exist- then it doesn’t exist”
People go about their daily lives pretending God doesn’t exist, and that after death is just blank nothingness. Although this is an unbelievable bleak outlook on life, compared with the bright hope of a believer, this idea of leaving God out, seems to have struck some sort of chord with us! Men have loved darkness rather than light; for their works were evil. People will try everything to God out of their mind, they will fill their life up with all sorts to get rid of any niggling feelings of self-doubt. They will believe the science books, because if there is no creation, there is no God, and if there is no God there is no responsibility. Like Jonah did, they will run in the opposite direction whenever anything of God comes up in their life.
There is one thing that no person can out run, and that is death. Scientists can prolong life, they can support life, they can extend life, but ultimately they can never stop the inevitable. Death comes to us all. And of course after death comes the judgement. You will meet God. You can’t ‘imagine’ your way out of this one!
John Lennon famously said The Beatles “are more popular than Jesus Christ” and although this was maybe a sad reflection on the society then (as it is an even worse reflection on today!) it shows the arrogance people have that Christianity will eventually die out. This is not a new attitude, going all the way back to the Psalms; David could speak prophetically of the Lord- ‘when shall he die and his name perish’. The Lord of course had the answer in Matthew 23:35.
Just 4 years after Lennon made this comment, The Beatles broke up, it was the end of The Beatles and none of the four members ever had the same success as solo artists as they did as part of the Fab Four. The funny thing is though, Christianity is still around! Despite the fantastic success enjoyed by the Beatles (and how much I like them!), in the unlikely event of the world still being around in 2000 years’ time, I very much doubt that the names of Lennon, Harrison, Starr and McCartney, will be on anyone’s lips.
But you can be sure the name of Jesus will be, it’s survived 2000 years already, what’s another 2000 in God’s calendar?
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
John Lennon - Imagine