Here Comes the Son
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

As Christians, we have a wonderful hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. He’s not only saved us from our sins, but He is also coming back one day to collect us.
While He is gone, we are to be living down here, waiting for Him. Not idly wasting our time, but living lives as representatives for Him while He is away. The long cold winter that George Harrison sings about in this song, can feel very much like our time down here waiting for that call that will summon us in the Lord’s precence. We are living in a world that has rejected Jesus, and we may feel like we don’t fit in down here! But the promise of the Lord’s coming should be always before us. Some may say that he will never come, and actually this isn’t a new thing, they were saying the same thing back in Peter’s day! (2 Peter 3:4) But the Lord himself has promised He will return and He’s never failed on a promise yet. The Bible says the return of the Lord will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Imagine that! Try blinking now, see how short a time your eye was closed for? Now try it again, but imagine this time when you open your eye after blinking, all you see is the face of your Saviour! That’s what it will be like! One day, you’ll be looking around at the world down here, you’ll blink, and instantaneously you’ll be in the arms of Christ. What a prospect to look forward to! May we be looking at living for that the glorious day soon to come!