Where's your head at?
Got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you I got my mind set on you
George Harrison - I've Got My Mind Set On You
Look up:
Hebrews 12:2
Colossians 3:2

There are many things in the world today the Enemy would love to divert your attention toward. The world is full of bright lights and exciting sights. But ultimately there is no lasting pleasure in any of things down here. Yes, maybe it seems like it’s going to carry on. Maybe you’re in the middle of it all now, thinking “to be honest my life seems great at the moment” I’m sure the younger son thought that as well, when he still had six figures in the bank account. What God would desire of his children though, are those who have their eyes fixed on him.
God is so great that if we go in for His things, he is able to fill our lives up so that we don’t want to find ‘satisfaction’ elsewhere.
I think there is great blessing to found in having your mind and heart set steadfastly towards God.
It does take energy though to keep your mind on ‘the things above’ we live in this world, and the things of this world can seem much more tangible and real to us. But God would want to make the ‘things above’ even more real to us. So by reading the Bible, and praying continually and consistently God is able to open our eyes towards him.
Keeping your eyes on the Lord while we walk down here will also keep us out of a lot of trouble and will keep us in the will of God. In ‘Pilgrims Progress’, the pilgrim was warned to keep his eye on the light in the distance, but as soon as he took his eye of that light he found himself bogged down in the muddy swamp. It’s the same with us, as soon as we lose sight of the Lord (not because He’s too far away- but because we actively choose to divert out attention) we get bogged down with the cares of this life. God’s provided everything for the journey here:
A guide-the Lord Jesus who has actually been to this Earth and knows all the troubles that ail us.
A map- the Bible, God’s word. Stick to this map and you will stay on the path (Psalm 119:105)
Keeping your eyes on the map will keep you safe.
Keeping your eyes of the Guide will get you home.