Free Indeed
"There's no joy in my heart, Only sorrow And I'm sad, As a man can be I sit alone in the darkness, Of my lonely room, And this room, Is a prison to me, I look at window ,And what do I see, I see a bird, Way up in the tree, I want to be free free"
Elvis Presley - I Want To Be Free

This song lyrics sum up perfectly the human race. We won’t admit it, but deep down in the hearts of everyone there is yearning to be free. To find that thing they are looking for, to jump that fence, to break those bars.
We think that by being able to do whatever we like that gives us freedom. As the Usual Suspects told us, “The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist” the second greatest trick is probably convincing the world that they are free and in control of their own destiny.
As the poem says:
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
When you’re unsaved you look at Christians and think “What a load of Puritans-not allowed to do all these things, can’t get drunk can’t have sex, can’t smoke, can’t watch dodgy movies. Why would I want to be a Christian, they’re just caged in by rules!”
It’s only when you get saved that you realise that instead of being on the outside looking in through the bars, you’re on the inside looking out. And the freedom you thought you had was just a thinly veiled jail cell. Sure there’s a few fairy lights in there, but it’s still a cell.
So if like Elvis you’re yearning to be free, may I point you towards the one who has changed countless lives. The Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord said If therefore the Son shall set you free, ye shall be really free.
And in an almighty paradox (just to add to the list!) we become free by becoming a bondman to the Lord. It’s a strange concept to get your head round, but ultimately you will always belong to someone- if you’re unsaved that person is Satan, a hard task master who is not in any interested in your wellbeing, but is more interested in keeping you away from for His own selfish, spiteful reasons.
But if you belong to Jesus, well, you belong to the King of Kings, the Shepherd, the one who carries you when you are weary. You belong to the way and the truth and the life. You belong the Author, the Finisher. You belong to Saviour. You belong to the Prince of Peace, you belong to the Lord of Lords, you belong to High Priest, you belong to the Resurrection and the Life.
You will belong to Jesus, the one who gave himself so that you might have life.
And life to the full- that means you are free to belong to God.