
"The Bible's blind, the Torah's deaf, the Qu'ran's mute, If you burn them all together, you get close to the truth"
Bright Eyes-Four Winds
The trouble with Christianity, or maybe I should say one of the troubles, is that it tends to find itself lumped together with all the other religions in the world.
So when you hear people say “I haven’t got time for religion” or “what has religion ever done for the world except start wars?” Unfortunatly Christianity is always at the forefront of that persons mind.
However, its important to recognise that true Chrsitianity is not a relgion, but a faith in a Person. Unfortunatly, down through the pages of history, a lot has been said, done and thought in connection with that Person the Lord Jesus.
Take for example the Crucades, a mindless attempt to reclaim the Holy Land, with many lives lost along the way, all under the banner of Christianity. There has been a lot more damage done to the testimony and witness of the Church by those who pretend to be inside it than by the most commited atheist. The Church, or should it be the professing church, seems to have a habbit of self-imploding in on itself, unfortunately, the world doesn’t differentiate between those who profess to be Christians and those who are the real deal. So the whole faith of Christianity is brought into disrepute, because so many things are done under the name and banner of Christianity.
Now you might be asking,what on earth can I possibly do to undo the many wrongs that have been done under the banner of Christianity in the past? My TARDIS is broken, and the petrol for the DeLorean in very expensive these days. Well there is something you can do, maybe you can’t effect things on a global scale, but you can on a personal level. Make sure your walk and talk are intrinsically linked together through the Holy Spirit. Be the ambassador for Jesus that He commanded you be. The more like Christ you are the bigger the difference people will able to see between you and someone who only professes to be a follower of the Lord. There is no substitute for genuine faith, the world will hate it, the devil can’t emulate it and you can live it.