Full Time Faith
"Eight days a week, I love you"
Eight days a week- The Beatles

Perhaps one of the most famous Beatles’ song of all time, Eight Days a Week tells the story of how a person loves their other half so much, that there are simply not enough days in the seven day week to make their love known.
This got me thinking. As Christians our love for God should be an ‘eight days a week love’. I think, often, we give God our Sundays, and then decide the rest of the week belong to us. This isn’t what God wants at all, and as Christians we should want what God wants!
God isn’t really interested in Sunday Christians.
He wants people who are fired up and enthusiastic for him all the time. Now obviously we can’t do what we do on a Sunday every day, because practical, normal life needs to happen. God isn’t expecting that. What I think God is looking for, is for us to include Him in our week, not just on Sundays. You can do this by having God at the forefront of your minds, praying constantly and consistently, listening to Him speaking to us. The more you do this, the more you will grow in your relationship with God, and therefore God will be able to use you in His work.
God never has a day off loving us, and we should respond to that Love by giving us our lives, not just for Sundays, but everyday- ‘Eight days a week.’