In Service of the King

"In the service of a king and his kingdom too"
Chrissie Hynde- Down the Wrong Way
When you become a Christian, you not only become saved, but you also become a subject in the Kingdom!
But whereas when you are saved, the Lord immediately becomes known to you as Saviour, it may take a little while before you allow the Lord to become King and Lord of your life. Now that is not to say that Jesus is not King in his own right, of course he is, but in our lives down here, it may take us a little while before we totally surrender our lives over to the Lord and His service.
But that it what is required! We are here in the service of the King.
That means we have to take our direction from Jesus. It also means that we are showing our allegiance with Him. Now in a world that crucified the Lord Jesus, this can be no easy task. In fact the Lord said, don’t be surprised that the world hates you, it hates me- don’t expect anything different. Taking up your position with a rejected King means taking up everything associated with that rejection. For example, it means taking flak for standing up for the Lord’s rights here- saying you can’t do something or say something because it would not be in keeping with your service.
There were many men in the time of King David that were faithful to him when he was in rejection, running, for his life, away from Saul. That should be us as well!
We should be here as totally in His service, useable for what he wants us to do.
Going back to David; I think many of the men were able to cope with all the rejection and the harsh life of trying to keep one step ahead of the murderous King Saul, because they had some foresight that one day, David would be king and their loyalty to him now would eventually be rewarded.
So this should be with us, we know that one day the Lord is coming to reign and will put all His enemies under His feet. We should look past the present sufferings of Kingdom service and look onto a brighter day, where our faith will rewarded.