Trust in God
My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you."
SHM-Don't you Worry Child
Look up:
Matthew 6:34, Matthew 6:25, Matthew 6:27, Philippians 4:6, Luke 10:41

Believe it or not, your life actually is going somewhere! It’s very easy, especially when you’re young, to worry about where exactly your life is going. Am I doing the right thing? Am I going to ever find a boyfriend/girlfriend? What job should I do? If we are not careful all these worries start to get on top of us and we lose our perspective on life. In this country we are very lucky to have worries like that. In some parts of the world, the worries are more a matter of life and death.
But either way, it is not in God’s heart for you to worry. He didn’t save you so that you could stress about the daily goings on in life. You’ve had plenty of time for all that before you were saved!
Worrying actually diminishes the power of God in your life, it puts the focus on you.
When the Lord was here, He wasn’t just God, but He was a man in every way. That means He felt human emotion, the Bible says that he cried, he got angry (righteously) and he felt compassion. However, I don’t think you’ll ever find a passage of scripture where you can even infer that the Lord Jesus was worried! As a completely dependent man, it would go completely against His character to be worried.
God commands that we should not worry, He actually says that.
Don’t worry about the cares of tomorrow. Of course worrying is part of human psyche. We all get worked up about things. (Some more than others!) But it is always good to remember that when we are Christians, God has everything under control. If you think of the three men in Daniel (I would write their names, but I can’t even begin to go about spelling them!) about to be thrown in the fiery furnace. What comes across in the passage in Daniel is the fact that they are so worried they can barely speak properly… Oh no! Wait! sorry, that’s wrong; what comes across in the passage in Daniel is the calmness and dependence even in such a dire situation. "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.” These guys were about to be chucked into a fire. They weren’t even sure what they outcome was going to be- they weren’t assuming that God was going to save them, but the calmness by which they said “if it be so” must have shocked even the King they were talking to.
One of the main characteristics of the world is it's uncertainness. People are worried. What can mark Christians out is their calmness in any situation. As a Christian, you know how the world is going to end, you have an unbelievably great advantage by having a small insight into how God is going to deal with things. And yes, maybe you don’t know what is around the next corner, maybe you don’t know where the next pay packet is coming from, or what exactly you are supposed to be doing with your life. But a Christian, you know the one who does! You have a personal relationship with the One who know everything.
And all you need to do is trust Him!
Ok, maybe that is easier said then done when you find yourself in the middle of a storm, but it is the only way you will find peace.
A good way to stop worrying, is to stop the one way traffic when you prayer. Let God have a chance to speak.
We are not left here to wander around aimlessly worrying about which direction our life is in. We are here to live for Christ, in everything we do.
God does have a plan for you, don’t worry, but trust in Him.