Real Love
“Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so"
The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love

In this passage in Acts, a man named Simon spots what amazing effects the Holy Spirit had on the lives of all those who received Him. Now Simon was a magician, and perhaps to his mind, if he could somehow harness the power of the Holy Spirit, he could wow the crowds with his new acts of power.
However, he soon finds out that the Holy Spirit cannot be bought and sold, but only received. After all it is a gift from God! Peter has to rebuke Simon sharply for coming up with such a silly idea.
However today, people think they can curry favour with God by doing great acts, for example, maybe giving to charity, maybe looking after their old gran, or even going on missionary tours. But that is not how God works, we can’t buy His love.
There is nothing that God requires of us, He has provided all!
So no, like The Beatles sang, you can’t buy human love, and you certainly, as Simon found out, buy God’s love. It's one of the many gifts that God loves to give those that trust in His Son.
Look up Acts 8:18